• 3q活力早餐店@fb
  • 3q活力早餐店2@fb

Favorite Breakfast Shop Amongst Dawu Locals—3Q Breakfast

Regarding breakfast, there aren’t that many options to pick from. Breakfast restaurants, however, often have a little more personal touch than other restaurants, making it a great way to get a glimpse into the locals’ lives. 3Q Breakfast is located by the train station and Dawu Junior High School. It holds a special place in most locals’ memories. Picking up a Taiwanese omelet and milk tea is a standard part of the morning routine. 3Q breakfast makes its own Taiwanese omelet pancake base. The resulting omelet is crispy on the outside, and fluffy on the inside. You can add a side of corn, ham, and other ingredients to upgrade your breakfast into a hearty feast. Their milk tea is smooth and has the perfect sweetness. 3Q breakfast also offers special meals with a veggie base, there is yogurt and fresh fruit, or a veggie roll if you’re trying to eat healthy choices. The special meals are healthy and refreshing, leaving guests begging for more. (Photo Credit:FB@3Q活力早餐店

  • Address: No. 8 Minzu St., Dawu Township, Taitung County
  • Phone: 089-791-860
  • Opening Time: 05:00–11:00